
Temperamentology is a vast science that has interesting applications to diagnose the physical and mental characteristics of each individual and is very effective in identifying and treating various types of diseases. Every food we eat has important effects on all parts of our body. By identifying our temper, we can avoid eating foods that are problematic for us, and vice versa, let us know the foods that are useful to us and help to save more energy. Of all the lifestyle factors, food is by far the most effective and the easiest to implement since it is entirely in your control. In general, we have two types of temperaments that are different in concept.
- Inherent temperament
- temperament caused by Illness
Tibb classifies food and drink according to whether they are hot, cold, moist or dry. Each food type can be classified as being heating or cooling with levels of moistness or dryness. This classification refers to the inherent temperament associated with the foods and the effect they have on the temperament of the individual. For example, milk is hot and moist, chicken has a hot and dry temperament. The concept of heating and cooling foods is linked to the effect the foods have on the body.
As outlined earlier, an excess of food with qualities similar to the qualities associated with your temperament will result in an excess that may negatively influence your health and vice versa.
Humans, animals, organs of body, plants, rocks, and all that we see around us have temperament.
Just as each ingredient has a temperamemt (qualities) recipes also have an overall quality depending on the ingredients in the recipe, as indicated below.

Four Temperament

Hot & Dry
Specifications: Large, corpulent, muscular frame; skin moderate in softness and dryness, warm to the touch; reddish, thick, oily, bushy hair; prominent capillaries; persuasive, sociable, talkative and outgoing personality; flexible, funny, imaginative, emotionally cheerful, bold, excited, but also a worrier; good but selective memory; good physical endurance; moderate to active mental activity; intolerance to hot and humid conditions; perspire easily.; moderate to deep sleep; Female sanguines tend to have painful menstruation.
Amount of meals: your hot and moist qualities (with a medium to large frame) means you should have two medium to large meals a day

Hot & Moist
Specifications: Large, corpulent, muscular frame; skin moderate in softness and dryness, warm to the touch; reddish, thick, oily, bushy hair; prominent capillaries; persuasive, sociable, talkative and outgoing personality; flexible, funny, imaginative, emotionally cheerful, bold, excited, but also a worrier; good but selective memory; good physical endurance; moderate to active mental activity; intolerance to hot and humid conditions; perspire easily.; moderate to deep sleep; Female sanguines tend to have painful menstruation.
Amount of meals: your hot and moist qualities (with a medium to large frame) means you should have two medium to large meals a day

Cold & Moist
Specifications: Large frame, fat with tendency towards being overweight; cool, moist and soft skin texture; pale complexion, Their skin color is bright, and the hair is thin, bright and greasy; dreamy, watery eyes that are moderate to large in size ; voice tone is slow and soft; calm, patient listener; emotionally fearful and shy but self-content; slow but prolonged memory; steady appetite, low thirst levels, can skip meals; physically lethargic and lack stamina; mental activity is slow, but receptive and cool-minded; intolerance to moist and cold weather; low levels of perspiration; heavy sleep, need eight or more hours and tend to oversleep.
Amount of meals: your cold and moist qualities allow only two medium size meals.

Cold & Dry
Specifications: Thin, bony frame; small joint,thin; dry and rough skin texture; cold, greyish complexion; Thin, rough, dry, dark hair; eyes small; thoughtful, like Management and Art Thinking, analytical and a tendency towards perfectionism; emotionally fearful, insecure, suspicious and anxious; good short term memory, but not great long term; irregular and variable appetite and thirst; Stable, regular, tidy and active physically, but active; Sensitive and fragile, mental activity is restless, enquiring, imaginative and philosophical; intolerant of cold and dry conditions; don’t sweat much; sleep is irregular, interrupted and tends towards insomnia; voice is soft but fast. Female melancholics tend to clot during menstruation.
Amount of meals: your cold and dry qualities allow for three meals, these should be moderate to small.