What Is A Venesection?


venesection is a traditional and scientific way of treating some diseases by cutting or piercing the vessel to reduce iron levels and red blood cell count.
Therefore, if a member of the body has inflammation due to hyperemia, venesection will be done in suitable vessels for treatment.
This technique is a traditional and painless treatment and does not have any complications. To get a better result, this should be done by a qualified physician and, depending on your medical condition and your illness, the target vessel is properly diagnosed.
The therapeutic approach to phlebotomy is different. Because in cupping, the cuts are created on the skin surface and the blood is removed from the capillaries, but in venesection, the cuts will be made on the body's veins and vessels. You can not donate blood at the same time if you are undergoing venesection.
As stated, the goal of the treatment is to reduce iron levels and red blood cells. Haemochromatosis and polycythemia are two disorders which require the treatment of venesection.
What Are The Symptoms Of Abnormal Increase In Red Blood Cell Count?

- fatigue
- shortness of breath
- muscle weakness
- abnormal paleness of the skin
- glossitis (swollen tongue)
- loss of appetite/weight loss
- diarrhea
- nausea
- fast heartbeat
- tenderness in the palms of the hands or soles of the feet
- tingling in hands and feet
- sleep disturbance
Symptoms can vary from person to person. If you experience frequent symptoms, refer to the doctor.
How Does Venesection Work?

Before the venesection is carried out your nurse will explain the procedure to you and ask you a few questions regarding your medical history.
Some patients experience a fainting episode during this procedure. Your blood pressure and other observations will be taken before the procedure is performed.
A needle is used to insert a cannula into your vein. The cannula is secured into position with tape. A bag is connected to the cannula for the purpose of collecting the blood.
After the treatment, you may feel unwell that it will improve by relaxing and drinking natural juices and liquids. It is advisable to drink up to 2 liters of fluid in the first 48 hours.
After taking the venesection, you will feel relaxed for a few days and can do all your daily activities. The number of treatment sessions is determined according to individual circumstances. Once the red blood cell surface is under control, its enough to repeat this procedure every 6 to 12 weeks. Your doctor will determine the time for repeating, according to your medical condition.
Why We Choose Venesection For Treatment?

Venesection is effective in many diseases’ treatment, including heart disease, liver disease, polycythemia, and genetic hemochromatosis.
This method is very safe, and will not cause any problems. The treatment is very fast and does not require any medication for treatment. This method has the least side effects and is very effective in reducing red blood cells. It also reduces the risk of getting red blood cells and does not change the number of white blood cells. By repeating venesection, the red blood cells count, reaches its normal level and makes the heart pumping much more effective.
Among the treatable treatments with venesection include:
- Stomach diseases
- Digestive diseases
- Sciatica lumbar
- Hemorrhoid
- Women's problems (especially late period)
- Headache
- Mussel disease (a type of skin disease)
- Sleep disorders
- Blood pressure
- Sciatic pain
- Viscosity of blood
- Arthritis
- Abdominal pain
- Fatty liver
Any of the following apply to you, you must make the nurse performing the venesections aware before venesection takes place:

- Taking anticoagulant drugs
- Taking Warfarin
- Taking beta-blockers (drugs which control blood pressure)
- Weigh less than 7½ stone (49kg)
- Have previously fainted or felt unwell after a blood test or venesection
- Have any serious heart condition
- Neurological problems
- Pregnancy